PDO Threads

BeautyBossMD Medical Spa

Aesthetics Laser & Wellness Center located in Newport Beach, CA & San Pedro, CA

A facelift is a rejuvenating treatment that can take years off your appearance and deliver long-lasting results, but it’s a surgical procedure with a lengthy recovery time. At BeautyBossMD, with locations in Newport Beach, California and San Pedro, California, you can achieve facelift-like results without surgery or extensive downtime. BeautyBossMD offers a range of injectables, laser treatments, thread lifts, and other cosmetic treatments to restore your youthfulness with a nonsurgical facelift. Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

PDO Threads Q & A

What is a nonsurgical facelift?

 A nonsurgical facelift is a lifting and tightening treatment that rejuvenates the skin without the pain, downtime, and cost of traditional surgery. With a team of expert injectors, aesthetic specialists, and physicians, BeautyBossMD can tailor your nonsurgical facelift to address your specific concerns and treatment goals.

The team takes a combination approach to suit your needs. A nonsurgical facelift may include any of the following:

  • Botox®
  • Dermal fillers
  • Microneedling
  • Thread lift

These treatments work together to tighten the lower face and jaw while smoothing the skin and lifting the midface for a more youthful appearance.

What can a nonsurgical facelift address?

A nonsurgical facelift can help you appear several years younger without surgery or incisions. The aesthetic team at BeautyBossMD customizes your treatment to ensure you’re confident and satisfied with your results.  

This comprehensive treatment can address multiple aging concerns, including:

  • Sunken cheeks
  • Hollow temples
  • Sagging jowls
  • Thinning lips
  • Nasolabial folds (around the mouth)
  • Crow’s feet (around the eyes)

A nonsurgical facelift preserves your natural appearance to help you look like yourself but younger. The team works with you to achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.

What are the benefits of a nonsurgical facelift?

A nonsurgical facelift offers many benefits for men and women hoping to revitalize their appearance, including:

  • Dramatic results without lengthy downtime
  • No incisions or sutures
  • Lower cost (compared to a surgical facelift) 
  • Customization
  • Immediate results

Nonsurgical rejuvenation also takes less time than a surgical facelift. Depending on the treatments included in your personalized nonsurgical facelift plan, your treatment may take several hours less than a surgical facelift.

How much downtime can I expect after a nonsurgical facelift?

A nonsurgical facelift typically requires little to no downtime, depending on the treatments included in your plan. Most people can return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure.

Threads can be applied to:

  • Nose
  • Eyebrows/Cat Eye
  • Cheeks (2 threads per side)
  • Lower Face (3 per side)
  • Cheeks + Lower Face (5 per side)
  • Cheeks + Lower Face + Jawline (7 threads each)

How long do the results of a nonsurgical facelift last?

Results can vary, but most patients enjoy noticeable improvements for up to one to two years. Since the results are temporary, you can return to BeautyBossMD for maintenance treatments to extend your results and preserve your refreshed appearance.

Call BeautyBossMD today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about the benefits of a nonsurgical facelift.